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Struck By Cupid's Arrow - Love Poems By A Teenager

Walking Alone

Neither sin nor holy deed,
Can unchain me from my need,
To hear your voice,
To feel your touch,
I never would have thought,
I'd miss you this much.

From the moment we parted,
I began wandering the uncharted,
To have truly loved,
And truly lost,
I stole a piece of heaven,
And must now pay the cost.

The world seems so void,
And I am terribly annoyed,
That no matter what I say,
No matter what I do,
No matter what the time,
I still think of you.

The hardest thing is not to call,
To sit and do nothing at all,
To agonize in solitude,
Over my terrible fate,
To walk into the future,
Without my perfect mate.

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