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Struck By Cupid's Arrow - Love Poems By A Teenager


How soft and smooth your wondrous skin.
How wide and wonderful your marvelous grin.
Just thinking of you must be a sin.

Now that this sin has begun,
I think of you as my own special sun.
Your radiant glow warming me from inside out,
You make me so happy I want to scream and shout.

When you set I started to cry,
I felt so bad I wanted to die.
But when up rose the beautiful moon,
I knew that you would come back soon.
For the moon can never stay too long,
Because soon the sun must sing its song.

When you get up you make the world light,
With your beautiful rays shining bright.
I knew your were not here to stay,
But still I was going to have a wondrous day.

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Volume I
Page 14